stim::simulation class

A soft-tissue simulation.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

operator bool() const explicit noexcept
Returns true if this simulation object is not 'null' (i.e. not default-constructed or moved-from).
simulation() defaulted noexcept
Default-constructs a 'null' simulation.
simulation(simulation&& other) noexcept
Move constructor.
~simulation() noexcept

Public functions

auto operator=(simulation&& rhs) -> simulation& noexcept
Move-assignment operator.
auto start() -> result noexcept
Starts the simulation.
auto update(duration timestep, duration max_solve_time = {}) -> result noexcept
Advances the simulation.

Adding objects

auto add_object(const rigid_body_description& desc) -> result<rigid_body_handle> noexcept
Adds a new rigid body to the simulation.
auto add_object(const soft_body_description& desc) -> result<soft_body_handle> noexcept
Adds a new soft body to the simulation.
auto add_object(const volumetric_body_description& desc) -> result<volumetric_body_handle> noexcept
Adds a new volumetric body to the simulation.
auto add_object(const force_feedback_emitter_description& desc) -> result<force_feedback_emitter_handle> noexcept
Adds a new force-feedback emitter to the simulation.

Creating a simulation

static auto create(const simulation_description& desc) -> result<simulation> noexcept
Creates a simulation.

Debugging and diagnostics

auto debug_draw(debug_draw_interface& dd, debug_draw_groups groups = debug_draw_groups::defaults, size_t batch_index = 0, size_t batch_count = 1) const -> result noexcept
Draws debug geometry.
auto debug_dump_profiler() const -> result<string_view> noexcept
Dumps out the last snapshot of the simulation's profiler timing data.
auto debug_ui(debug_ui_interface& ui, debug_ui_groups groups = debug_ui_groups::defaults) -> result noexcept
Displays a debug user interface.

Function documentation

stim::simulation::simulation() defaulted noexcept

Default-constructs a 'null' simulation.

result stim::simulation::start() noexcept

Starts the simulation.

Returns A success result<>, or an error message detailing why the simulation could not be started.

result stim::simulation::update(duration timestep, duration max_solve_time = {}) noexcept

Advances the simulation.

timestep The timestep to advance the simulation by. Cannot be negative.
max_solve_time The max real-world clock time that may elapse while trying to complete the physics solve. Cannot be negative. Leave as default to mean "unlimited time allowed". Setting a real value for this will cause update() to abort with an error if the internal solve takes more than this amount.
Returns A success result<>, or an error message detailing why the update failed.

result<rigid_body_handle> stim::simulation::add_object(const rigid_body_description& desc) noexcept

Adds a new rigid body to the simulation.

desc A description of the rigid body being added.
Returns A handle to the newly-created object, or an error message detailing why object creation failed.

result<soft_body_handle> stim::simulation::add_object(const soft_body_description& desc) noexcept

Adds a new soft body to the simulation.

desc A description of the soft body being added.
Returns A handle to the newly-created object, or an error message detailing why object creation failed.

result<volumetric_body_handle> stim::simulation::add_object(const volumetric_body_description& desc) noexcept

Adds a new volumetric body to the simulation.

desc A description of the volumetric body being added.
Returns A handle to the newly-created object, or an error message detailing why object creation failed.

result<force_feedback_emitter_handle> stim::simulation::add_object(const force_feedback_emitter_description& desc) noexcept

Adds a new force-feedback emitter to the simulation.

desc A description of the feedback emitter being added.
Returns A handle to the newly-created object, or an error message detailing why object creation failed.

static result<simulation> stim::simulation::create(const simulation_description& desc) noexcept

Creates a simulation.

desc The simulation description.
Returns A new simulation, or an error message detailing why instantiation failed.

result stim::simulation::debug_draw(debug_draw_interface& dd, debug_draw_groups groups = debug_draw_groups::defaults, size_t batch_index = 0, size_t batch_count = 1) const noexcept

Draws debug geometry.

dd The debug_draw_interface used to perform the draw operation.
groups The groups to draw.
batch_index The batch index of this draw call.
batch_count The total number of draw batches.
Returns A success result<>, or an error message detailing why the draw call failed.
Example debug_draw_interface output.

result<string_view> stim::simulation::debug_dump_profiler() const noexcept

Dumps out the last snapshot of the simulation's profiler timing data.

Returns A result<> containing the string dump, or an error message detailing why the string dump failed.

result stim::simulation::debug_ui(debug_ui_interface& ui, debug_ui_groups groups = debug_ui_groups::defaults) noexcept

Displays a debug user interface.

ui The debug_ui_interface used to generate the debug UI.
groups The UI groups to feature in the interface.
Returns A success result<>, or an error message detailing why the UI invocation failed.
An example debug_ui_interface.

result<simulation> create_simulation(const simulation_description& desc) noexcept

Creates a simulation.

desc The simulation description.
Returns A new simulation, or an error message detailing why instantiation failed.