stim::force_feedback_emitter_handle class

A handle to a force_feedback_emitter.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

force_feedback_emitter_handle() defaulted constexpr noexcept
Default-constructs a null handle.
force_feedback_emitter_handle(const force_feedback_emitter_handle&) defaulted constexpr noexcept
Copy constructor.
operator bool() const explicit constexpr noexcept
Returns true if this handle represents a force_feedback_emitter (i.e is not null).
operator object_handle() const noexcept
Casts this handle to a generic object_handle.

Public functions

auto flags() const -> force_feedback_emitter_flags noexcept
Gets the flags associated with this volumetric body, if any.
auto force_feedback(duration timestep_offset, const vec3& current_force_hint = vec3{ 0.0f }) const -> result<vec3> noexcept
Gets the overall force feedback emitted by the rigid bodies bound to this emitter.
auto operator=(const force_feedback_emitter_handle&) -> force_feedback_emitter_handle& defaulted noexcept
Copy-assignment operator.

Function documentation

result<vec3> stim::force_feedback_emitter_handle::force_feedback(duration timestep_offset, const vec3& current_force_hint = vec3{ 0.0f }) const noexcept

Gets the overall force feedback emitted by the rigid bodies bound to this emitter.

timestep_offset The amount of simulation time that has passed since the last call to stim::simulation::update().
current_force_hint A hint regarding the current total force feedback being rendered by the end device, used to help limit oscillation.